
Signs your pet needs probiotics and enzymes: Part 1

Poor coat quality A poor cost or excessive shedding may be a sign of stress on the body. Pets on average shed twice a year, not all year round. If the shedding appears excessive and the itching is more than usual this may be a sign of allergies or dry skin. Total-Zymes® and Total-Biotics® will Read More


Is eating raw food really better for you?

Raw fruits and vegetables (usually referred to as “live” foods) provide biologically-active components called enzymes, which play an active role in all metabolic activities in the body. Without enzymes, the body cannot utilize protein, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins in food into the bone, hair, skin, muscles, glands and hormones. Why raw food is better The Read More


Why you need digestive enzymes

Today’s typical diet of cooked, canned and convenience foods make it very important to take supplemental enzymes to relieve some of your body’s digestive stress. But what if you maintain a balanced diet of meat, fish, whole grains, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits? Is it still necessary to supplement with enzymes? Do you eat an Read More


Do healthy people need enzymes?

Nearly every person can benefit from supplementation with enzymes. Even healthy people may improve their absorption and utilization of nutrients through the use of digestive enzymes. Of course, the benefits will vary, depending upon the individual’s diet and general health. Even individuals in good health can expect to notice: fullness after meals increased energy faster Read More