Start your year with a detox

Start your year with a detox! You should clean out your liver and kidneys at least once a year, especially if you drink alcohol, eat fatty foods, or take prescription drugs. Transfer-Tox™ liver – kidney is a gentile yet effective detox formula with a blend of proven ingredients. Today we are sharing just a few of these ingredients and why they make this formula so special.

Black Currants

Black currants are the richest source of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). Black Currant extract is used to adjust the fatty acid profile in the diet. While the body is capable of synthesizing GLA from linoleic acid this conversion is impaired in cases of liver dysfunction.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle is most widely recognized for liver health and support. It has been shown to not only support liver cells, but also to help regenerate healthy ones. Milk Thistle blocks toxins from entering the liver, helps remove toxins from the liver and regenerates liver cells.


Garlic stimulates the detoxification activity that the liver needs in order to be able to handle any load, especially that of fatty materials. It supports the immune system, dissolves cholesterol in the bloodstream, and can support good LDL cholesterol.


Apple Pectin, Citrus Pectin and Pectinase are some of the best natural ingredients for detoxification because they help transport unwanted metals and toxins from the body.

Phosphatidyl Choline 

Phosphatidyl Choline is used by the liver for emulsifying fats. This is the natural source of choline and inositol for which lecithin is famous. Choline regulates the amount of fat that accumulates in the liver and emulsifies cholesterol. 

Barberry Bark Powder

Barberry bark comes from the barberry plant. This shrub produces yellow flowers and bares small red fruit. The bark of this shrub holds many beneficial properties.  Barberry is an excellent for supporting liver function and supporting the flow of bile.

Transfer-Tox™ liver kidney support

Each one of these 6 natural ingredients and more can be found in our liver support formula, Transfer-Tox™. With just 2-3 capsules a day you can support your liver and kidneys in a safe and effective way. Learn more about this detox supplement here and shop for other all natural supplements on