Microwarriors DVD available now!

Leonard Nimoy and NWC Naturals® Inc. combine forces to help educate the public about the benefits of Probiotics for the whole family- including our pets!

MicroWarriors Special Edition DVD is narrated by Leonard Nimoy and includes a special Bonus Feature: “Probiotics and Your Pet’s Health” which features appearances by our very own probiotic specialist, John R. Taylor, Naturopath, Formulator of Total-Biotics®.

Now with Leonard Nimoy and John Taylor your pets can “Live Long and Prosper.”

This is the first DVD of its kind. In it, you will find answers to many of your questions about probiotics for people and probiotics for pets. Does your pet’s health suffer from the lack of beneficial bacteria known as Probiotics? Many pets suffer from skin conditions, inflammation, poor digestion, loose stools, fatigue, lethargy, bad breath, tear stains, and stress. When a pet’s immune system is suppressed, he can suffer from frequent yeast and bacterial infections. Probiotics hold out promise to help pets overcome these symptoms and a weakened immune system. Each of these scenarios, as well as many others, are addressed in our new educational DVD.

MicroWarriors does a fantastic job at translating a large amount of complex science into a clear and compelling story.

-Eamonn Quigley, M.D., former President, World Gastroenterology Organization

For more information about MicroWarriors Special Edition DVD go to NWCnaturals.com or call (949) 600-6515.

To purchase probiotics for dogs and cats, visit NWCnaturals.com or click here.