Dexter’s Success Story on Total-Zymes® and Total-Biotics®

We have been getting so many Success Stories in from customers whose pet’s are using Total-Zymes® and Total-Biotics®! Here’s one of our favorites that was sent in:

“I wanted to share with you my success story with your product and my 3 year old Boxer “Dexter”.

Dexter and Daisy
Dexter and Daisy

“Since he was 11 months old, his skin allergies have been horrific! He had been on steroid/anti inflammatory more times than I could count. When he would discontinue the prescription treatment, it would come back with a vengeance and he would be much worse than before. The vet thought it was allergies, but after several months of trying different foods with different ingredients and no change in his issues, I was desperate to try anything to make his life better. Dex couldn’t get a solid nights sleep (nor could I) with the horrible scratching.

He had insane patches of ‘elephant skin’ from years on damage with his claws, and his ears were always infected!

4 months ago, I ordered your enzymes/pro-biotic combination [the Original Total-Digestion Twin Pack™] and started adding it to his food twice a day. I am happy to announce that his skin is as good as I can ever remember, we are all sleeping much better….and Dex is a much happier boy and enjoying the life that a boxer should!

I encourage anyone that has doggie/kitty allergies to give this product a try!”

-K. V.

Probiotics for dogs“Thank you for your story, Dexter! To learn more about our pet products, read my blog here!”-Paddy