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My China Syndrome

As a naturopath and educator, a very big part of my life is involved with consulting about and recommending to clients some very tiny organisms--bacteria, in fact, and to be more specific, good bacteria known as probiotics. So when I took a recent trip to mainland China, I had a unique opportunity to test the effectiveness of probiotics in a foreign travel situation in which I would be exposed to sanitation standards different from those I was used to at home in California. So, prior to my two-week jaunt around five major areas in China, I increased my normal probiotics intake as a precaution. After all, I was entering a land where swine flu, bird flu, SARS, among other infections, are known problems. I also packed several over-the-counter diarrhea medications "just in case," although if I contracted any of the aforementioned diseases, diarrhea would likely be the least of my problems.

Our first night in Beijing was at a five-star hotel with all the amenities. As I surveyed the room before getting ready for some much-needed sleep, I saw a sign in the bathroom warning not to drink the tap water. (For the uninitiated, this warning also applies to not using the water to brush your teeth.) I knew that for the next two weeks, I would be traveling through big cities as well as some very rural areas, and US-grade water would not always be easy to find. I resolved to eat and drink whatever I wanted during the entire trip--including tap water and ice made from it--and to manage my intestinal health with my arsenal of probiotics.

At that point, I was taking approximately 10 billion CFUs (I'll explain this later in the book; this is the standard form of measurement for probiotics) of twelve different good bacteria in one chewable tablet with each meal. After five to six days into the trip, I got my first "gurgle"--a little intestinal discomfort telling me that trouble could be on the horizon. One person in our tour group had already succumbed to intestinal distress and was spending the day at the hotel. I immediately doubled by probiotics dose for the next two meals, and I felt great by the next morning. I returned to my original dose of 10 billion CFUs per meal.

The sightseeing was incredible, but the schedule was very rigorous. We would leave the hotel at 7:30 AM and often not return until 10:00 PM, with little down time during the day. The combination of physical stress, unusual food three times a day, questionable water supplies, and lack of sleep all contributed to a considerable stress load. I must confess that I did pass up one beverage that was offered to me: snake wine, in which rice wine is served with dead poisonous snakes coiled inside the container!

Although my tour companions took advantage of the diarrhea medications I brought with me (as well as some probiotics I offered to get them on the road to recovery), I never had to use them myself. My intestinal health was normal for the entire trip save the one day I increased my probiotics for two meals. Probiotics are a great travel companion!

I tell this story not to encourage you or recommend that you should recklessly drink the water against the advice of local experts whenever you travel to a foreign country. In other words, don't try this at home, folks! I am a trained natural health professional; I know my own system, and I was a guinea pig in my own special, controlled experiment. But what my experience does do is serve as an illustration of the power of probiotics, a power I know well but am constantly impressed by as I work with clients and help them identify probiotics programs that will work best in their real-life situations.

So get prepared! Settle into a comfortable armchair and take a trip with me. You've got your ticket in your hand. Learn about probiotics and how they can transform your life for the better.

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  1. Can probiotics help with weight loss?
    I just read an interesting book titled The Wonder of Probiotics by John R. Taylor, N.D and Deborah Mitchell. The front cover reads that they have a 30 day plan to boost energy, enhance weight loss, heal GI problems, prevent disease, and slow aging. That sounds wonderful and it also sounds like it’s doable because I can do anything if it’s just for 30 days! I would love to have more energy, prevent disease, slow aging, and lose weight, but I’m going to focus on weight loss first. (Vacation is on the horizon and I would be really happy losing 10 – 20 pounds.) So today is day 5 with my new regimen of probiotics. I’ve taken probiotics in the past but this time is different. First of all I must admit that I’ve been too inconsistent in taking vitamins and probiotics. So I’m taking the instructed dose at every meal and also taking more than I’ve ever taken before. I’m also taking an additional digestive enzyme to aid in digestion as well as the probiotics. So in five days, I’ve lost 3.5 pounds & I’ve found that my sugar and carbohydrate cravings have totally disappeared. That’s pretty miraculous for me. I think I have amazing willpower but always wind up submitting to cravings at one point or another. It seems to derail my efforts every time I try to lose some weight. Another item that’s important to note is that I was unable to exercise during the first 5 days. Between a lower back issue and a crazy week with my schedule, I was unable to get to the gym, which is something I intend to start this weekend.

    Right from the first day, I felt like I had great energy. I focused on making healthy choices for meals and snacks and have had absolutely NO cravings for sweets. I’ll keep everyone up to date on my progress. If probiotics is really the missing element in helping me meet my weight loss goals, I’ll be shouting the news from the rooftops!

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  2. A 30-day plan to boost energy, enhance weight loss, heal GI problems, prevent disease and slow aging.
    John R. Taylor, N.D. and Deborah Mitchell introduce the reader to a natural method of improving health by explaining about the trillions of microorganisms that live in the intestinal tract or “gut” that “work with the body and help maintain the delicate balance between the beneficial flora and bad bacteria that is necessary for well being.”

    The authors write that this balance, which can be difficult to maintain because of poor food choices, use of antibiotics and other drugs, emotional stress, and environmental influences, can be attained by the use of probiotics, good or “friendly” bacteria that are found both in various common foods and in the form of supplements.

    The book outlines The Core Program, an easy-to-follow basic approach that is designed to enhance energy, vitality, and well-being and protect against everyday stressors that deplete the supply of good bacteria. Discussion of the Core Program begins with an explanation of the effects of these stressors, which include poor dietary habits, lack of sleep, insufficient sunlight, stress, unhealthy beverages (e.g., coffee, chlorinated water, alcohol), use of antibiotics, smoking, and poor bowel habits. The authors then go on to list the probiotic species that will help restore and sustain a balance of beneficial flora in the gut, including: L. acidophilus DDS-1, L. casei, L. plantarum, B. bifidum, B. longum, Baccillus coagulans,B. infantis, L. rhamnosus, L. salviarius,Lactococcus lactis, E, faecium and S. thermophius.

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  3. This book is good reference material
    This book is good reference material but I personally found it to be a fairly dry read. There is lots of information on how to treat various illnesses with different types of probiotics. The author is exhuberant about the use of probiotics for maximum health and an avid user in his own life. Though I feel he means well I could not help but question the necessity of taking probiotics to such an extensive level.
    It is refreshing to see that there are some doctors climbing on board when it comes to natural healing. It appears that many of them have been indoctrinated to push pharmaceuticals due to a heavily influenced (and funded) educational system that is ultimately geared to sell the drug company's products.

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  4. After reading from the book and actually using the products
    After reading from the book and actually using the products, it is easy to come to the conclusion that this stuff works... How great is it to know there are natural supplements you can put into your body that have no chemicals.

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  5. Words can't express how happy I am Amazing! So helpful! I feel so great,
    Words can't express how happy I am, I am now in my third week of taking probiotics and I have energy. That one statement is so hard to explain the debth of, I have struggled with just about every symptom in the book for over 5 years now and doctors haven't help. For the first time in ages I have energy, I am regular, I am clear thinking, my appetite is healthy and I have no desire to eat more than what I need. Probiotics, if used correctly, can fix all types of symptoms...its so amazing and mind boggling what we do to our bodies now vs. the time we lived off the land.

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  6. It's clearly been well researched yet, it's an easy read.
    I thought this book clarified a lot of the confusion that surrounds probiotics. It's clearly been well researched yet, it's an easy read. I enjoyed the story telling style as well as the author's experiences.

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  7. Dr Oz got my interest
    I had heard about Probiotics before but when Dr Mehmet Oz appeared on Oprah and talked about health and Probiotics I wanted to know more. This book is simply laid out and you can read about a specific area of health that you are interested in improving or how your whole health is affected by Probiotics. This book has good information for anyone concerned with getting healthy and staying healthy.

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