Self Defense in the Coming Plagues

This article is written by Stan Bynum, Ph.D. and is used here by Natural Wellness Centers of America™ Inc. by permission.

In spite of the grim outlook for the health of the world, and of each individual in it, presented by these facts, there are some very positive steps that can and should be taken on an individual level to improve each person's ability to resist infectious disease. We still have one very powerful resource available to us: our natural immune defenses.

Here are the concrete steps recommended by this author to maximize your natural ability to withstand this threat:


1. Use antibiotics wisely (and sparingly).

If your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, have a discussion with him (or her) to assure yourself that you do have an infection, that the infective bacteria has been identified, and that the antibiotic is the correct one. When this has been established, follow the doctor's directions exactly. A frequent mistake that is made is to stop taking antibiotics as soon as you start to feel better. Remember that antibiotics have no effect against viruses or fungi, and in fact will make infections by these microbes worse!


2. Do not use acid blockers or antacids.

Stomach acid is critical to both digestion and immunity, and this proper function of the body must be preserved. Does this mean that you have to suffer through the agony of indigestion, heartburn and ulcers? Not at all! See Step 4.


3. Use a friendly bacteria supplement.

The friendly bacteria which guard the intestine from colonization by infective bacteria are frequently depleted by life-style factors such as stress, carbonated beverages, chlorinated water, preservatives and many others. It is important that the population of friendly bacteria be kept at optimum levels to prevent infections from gaining a foothold. Pro-Biotics Plus ®.


4. Use an enzyme supplement each time you eat.

The fundamental cause of most digestive distress is incomplete digestion of food. The distress can be reduced either by shutting down the digestive process, as with the antacid/acid blocker approach or by completing the digestive process with supplemental enzymes. Ultra-Enzyme Support ®.


5. Pass this message along to others.

Immunity to disease is a very personal matter, but in a sense we are globally interdependent. Every life form is a host for infective organisms, and on a grand scale it is the sum of the immune defenses of all creatures that will restore a healthy, harmonious balance and allow us to coexist with the world of microorganisms.


For more information, please contact John R Taylor Naturopath.,C.N.M.


He will be sorely missed.

Stan Bynum was a scientist who has devoted the last twenty-five years of his professional career to the study and application of natural health principles.
After being employed for several years as a research scientist in the aerospace industry, Stan developed an intense personal interest in human nutrition. His interest in nutrition became so great that he made the decision to seek a professional career in the field. Dr. Bynum received his bachelor's degree from the University of Texas, with a major in chemistry and studied chemical bond theory at the graduate level at Stanford University and UCLA. He served for eight years as Vice President and Technical Director for National Enzyme Company and at the time of his death was serving as the Senior Director of Research and Development for Infinity2 Inc., specializing in the application of natural health measures to human immune function.
Dr. Bynum lectured internationally on health principles and enzyme nutrition, including major addresses to medical groups in 1996 in the countries of Russia, Brazil, and the Philippines and also served as a consultant to the Health Ministry of Brazil.


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