Top Foods With Probiotics

Trying to get more probiotics into your diet naturally? Here are some of the top foods that contain probiotics:

Yogurt is a good source of probioticsYogurt is one of the most common foods that can be easily obtained from nearly any grocery store. However, many yogurts do not have any live cultures and therefore offer no probiotic benefits. Always make sure that the yogurt you purchase does contain live active cultures by reading the label. While the amount of probiotics in yogurt is not very therapeutic, it is a good start, and a good supplement to any diet- provided you have no intolerance to lactose.

Sauerkraut is also loaded with probiotic bacterium- believe it or not! This might be one of those dishes that is good for the summer to go with all those hot dogs, and is great when grilling or camping. Sauerkraut is basically fermented cabbage. Another form of fermented cabbage is called Kim Chi, and is a Korean version of sauerkraut. It has a much stronger smell and is usually a bit on the spicy side.

miso is a good source of probioticsMiso is a seasoning that has been made in Japan for many thousands of years. Miso is made by fermenting various types of beans and grains. It is used for making soups and flavoring sauces. Popular types of miso include: Shiro miso (white miso); Kuro miso (black miso); Aka miso (red miso).  Each of these varieties are good to use for adding probiotics to your meal. Remember though, if you boil the miso to make soup, all the probiotics die and are thus worthless! Try making a miso salad dressing or dipping sauce!

Tempeh is another fermented soy food that is very rich in probiotics. It has a firm texture similar to that of meat it is used as a vegetarian and vegan replacement for meat. Since tempeh uses whole soybeans that are allowed to ferment to form the probiotic nutrients, tempeh is also rich in protein and vitamin B12.

buttermilk is a good source of probioticsButtermilk is another dairy food that is loaded with beneficial probiotic bacteria. You may even enjoy the sharp flavor and thick texture of buttermilk. If you find that straight buttermilk is not your thing, try adding it into your fruit smoothie.

Also try supplementing your diet with Pro-Biotics Plus® capsules or chewables. For more information visit!