
Should I get a pet?

People have more of a connection between their pets in the past years. People spend more on their pets now and are truly concerned about their health and well being. People and their pets have had such an intimate connection even in the past. Our pets provide love, companionship, smiles and make us laugh. They Read More


How Total-Zymes® and Total-Biotics® were born

When we got our little Paddy the dog on the Total-Zymes® and Total-Biotics® label, the mini Aussie, she was the runt of the litter and was not thriving well. At the time we did not have pet enzymes or probiotic formulas in our line of supplements so we used our human formulas to help her. Read More


Celebrating 20 years!

We are celebrating our 20th year in the natural health field and want all of our friends to save 15% off our entire line of natural products! Shop online at and use the coupon code HEALTHY2015 at checkout to receive 18% off your order. Coupon code valid until Monday, January 19, 2015. You may also Read More


Last sale of the year!

At the close of this year, we would like to thank you for your keen interest in natural healing. It is our goal to supply you with only the best products for the whole family. For the last sale of the year, we are offering an 18% off coupon code- our second largest sale of Read More