
Do I Need Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics?

You’ve heard of digestive enzymes and probiotics. But do you need them? Do they really work together? If you have any of the following issues, you may need digestive enzymes and probiotics: Low energy levels Diarrhea, constipation, gas Heartburn after eating just about anything Indigestion and bloating after eating Food allergies including dairy intolerance Frequent bacterial Read More


What Probiotics Does NWC Naturals™ Pet Use?

What probiotics does NWC Naturals™ use? Founded by Dr Khem Shahani in 1981, Nebraska Cultures has developed a reputation for providing exceptional probiotics to its clients. As one of the most influential probiotics scientists to date, Dr Khem Shahani began his landmark research on Lactobacillus acidophilus at the University of Nebraska in the late 1950s. Read More


Natural Ways To Treat Hormone Imbalance

Healthy men and women the world over suffer from the effects of hormonal imbalance. Symptoms such as bloating, cramping, food cravings, hot flashes, fatigue, premenstrual distress, and mood swings are common among most. The body’s constant striving for balance can become exhausting. So what can you do to naturally achieve a healthy hormone balance? 1. Read More

NWC Naturlas Labor Day Sale 2012

20% Off Annual Labor Day Sale 2012!

20% Off Annual Labor Day Sale 2012! Stock up on all your favorite NWC Naturals™ products! THIS IS OUR ONCE A YEAR BIGGEST SALE! 17 DAYS ONLY!!! Saturday, September 1st 2012 – Monday September 17th, 2012 Come in, Call toll free (888) 207-3480 or shop online at both NWCnaturals.com or ShopNaturalsOnline.com Just enter the coupon Read More