Customer Testimonials


Telling your personal experience with our products may encourage others to try something that worked for you. You could be helping improve someone else’s health whom you will never meet.

Total-Nutrition Program™
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"Hi John. Wanted to let you know I told a friend of mine about how happy I was with the Total-Nutrition Program™ and she may be ordering some. So far the biggest differences I can see after a little over 3 weeks of taking them is a big improvement in my dry skin, my nails are much stronger and I have had more energy and felt less stressed."
-Barbara Grimes, Vienna, VA

Ultra-Enzyme Support®
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" I suffered for years with chronic heart burn until I discovered digestive enzymes. With Ultra-Enzyme Support ® I will never have to suffer with chronic heartburn again"
-John, California

I have really bad eczema on my arms and face. My Mom brought home some MSM Extra healing lotion and in a couple of days it started to help control the itching. Now when I have a flare up all I have to do is use my MSM extra healing lotion and I feel better.
-Jasmine 13
LaHabra , California

MSM Soothing Lotion®
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One of the most dramatic MSM stories involves Bill Rich, 64, a Portland mechanic and businessman. In 1970, he was trapped in a burning van for twenty minutes following a highway collision and was severely burned over a large area of his body.

"The fire cooked me on the right side from my knee up to the armpit," Rich says. Extensive skin grafting left his body covered with scar tissue and adhesions, severely inhibiting normal activity. Even minimum physical effort was enough to stop him in his tracks, crying in pain. He was unable to walk more than a block a day.

"I had a patchwork of keloid scars like welding slag from the burns and skin grafts," he says. "One-third of me was twisted purple tissue. Frankenstein was good-looking by comparison. I measured the total length of all my scars once and they were sixty-five feet."

For seventeen years, Rich was often kept awake at night by the pain. In 1987, a veterinarian suggested he try a nutritional supplement used for pain in horses and other animals. The supplement was MSM. After three days, Rich says, most of the pain related to his scar tissues and adhesions was gone. As a sergeant in the Oregon State Defense Force, he was soon able to march with his troops.

Rich later made a lotion from the MSM and applied it regularly over the areas of his body that had been burned. With time, the knots of purple scarring-years old-started to shrink and were replaced by healthy pink skin. Today, he says, virtually all the scarring is gone.

Sun Burn

I was out fishing on my boat early in the season one year (I had no tan at all), when I got into a great fishing spot. So good I did not move the boat the rest of the day. Well I wore shorts that day and I fried my right leg so bad it almost turned purple. The next day when I stood up my leg from the knee down throbbed. I put the MSM lotion on it three or four times a day which felt great, but I thought. " There is no way that leg is not going to peel" In a very short time the sting and burn was gone, and I kept waiting for the skin to start peeling. I kept putting the lotion on a couple times a day. After two weeks all I got was ONE small flake, it never peeled. The lotion will not prevent sunburn, but if you make the mistake of getting a severe sunburn put the MSM lotion on ASAP.

Ultra-Muscle Rub®
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Dear John Taylor,

I have been practicing martial arts (Taekwondo, Judo/Jujitsu, Hapkido, Aikido, and Kendo) for over 20 years. I have never had a severe sports injury before and considered myself very fortunate. As it so happened, I received my first severe sports injury on December 29, 2006.

The injury I had is known as an Acromio-Clavicular (AC) Separation. The separation tore most (but not all) of the ligaments that stabilize the AC joint. The purpose of the AC joint is to evenly distribute the weight of the arm across the rest of the body. Since the clavicle is attached to the rib cage it cannot move, but the acromion can. So the impact forced it down. The weight of my arm was no longer supported by the AC joint and caused the acromion to "drop" below my clavicle which caused a "bump."

Immediately following the injury, I could not move my arm at all. I started to get back to arm movements within the week to prevent a "frozen shoulder," but i noticed the inflammation was still there and my "bump" was very large and the "knot" I felt in that area caused serious discomfort.

I asked you if you had something that could help me with my post-injury recovery and you suggested MSM Gold and Ultra Muscle Rub. I bought both, not knowing exactly what to expect. As the core of the inflammation started to go down, I noticed that each day I went back to training, my recovery rate after the exercise was about 2 days. Within a week it was about 1 day and now I recover within a few hours after activity and my activity has significantly increased since take MSM Gold and that has not slowed down my recovery time at all. I also use the muscle rub after a particularily strenuous day.

After the injury, I didn't know what to expect. But as my recovery rate got faster and faster, I prepared myself to do a full out martial arts demonstration at our April Test Board. I had no idea how my shoulder would respond, but as you suggested: right before I went on I took my MSM Gold and went through the entire demo and no one noticed that I was ever injured. As soon as I was done, I took my 2nd dose and I recovered completely from this very strenuous day within 2 days. I have done this demo before I was injured and it took about 4-5 days to recover so I know I'm doing better!

I could have never envisioned a full return to martial arts in this time frame. I know some people who have had a less severe separation than me and are still recovering 6 months later. I feel very fortunate to be back out there doing what I enjoy most and I owe a lot of it to my MSM Gold and Ultra Muscle Rub. Thank you John!

Here's a picture of me at our April Test Board:

Very Best Regards,
Lisa S. Amsell

Natural Wellness Centers of America

MSM Gold ®
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I have suffered from tendonitis for years from either over-use or from having extremely flexible joints that get irritated from using them. I have literally tried everything. When I came upon the MSM Gold I thought I'd give it a try. My discomfort has significantly decreased depending on my exercise routine. I am looking forward to an increase in healing. Thank you so much for finding something that not only works but that is good for our bodies as well:)
-Allison B. Johnston

I was experiencing severe pain in my feet, ankles, elbows and fingers. After 2 years of pain and innumerable tests I was diagnosed with a dangerously severe case of Gout and purine allergic poisoning. After changes to my diet and many different medications the pain persisted and was getting worse every day. My Doctors had run out of ideas.
A long time friend told me about MSM. I thought I would give it a try since nothing else was working. I contacted Dr. Taylor at Natural Wellness Centers of America Inc. and he recommended MSM Gold® because the enzymes would increase the MSM's effectiveness.
On the 4th day of taking MSM Gold® I suddenly noticed a marked difference in my mobility and pain level. A few days later I was able to move my arms and feet with little pain for the first time in 2 years. In less than a week the swelling was down 90%, I had 80% use of my arm and my feet were 80% pain free. Each day gets better, so MSM Gold® is a regular part of my daily routine. I wish I had listened to my friend 2 years earlier.

- Bill Powell
Corona, California

Dear John
I'm writing with regard to a couple of your products that I purchased a few months ago. As you know I have a chronic condition called Degenerative Bone Disease as well as Osteoarthritis. I have had it for a number of years. There is a lot of chronic pain that it associated with this.

For many years I have tried a lot of drugs as well as narcotic types of drugs, as well as many other different types of treatments. You name it I have tried it. But much to my frustration nothing has ever worked.
As time has gone on through the years I started to notice that the drugs I was using were starting to affect my body. My kidneys were not working the way that they should be. And I'm sure that sooner or later the affects of these drugs would start to show some damage to my liver eventually.
During the many years of taking all this stuff, it was the only way of at least getting 4 hours of sleep a night because of the sleepy effect of the painkillers. Which is not healthy either.

About 12 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I would have constant muscle spasms, which in turn would cause a lot of pain deep in the muscle tissue. It too is a chronic disease. So needless to say I was a mess physically.
Then I came upon your web page one day while looking for an alternative way of treating my problems. I had had it with traditional medicine and with what the effects of all the drugs were doing to me. The doctors were giving up on me and didn't know what to do or try next. When the painkillers would finally kick in, it was still less than 50% relief.

Anyway, you had suggested that I try the Pure MSM. And so I did. I had been on that for about 3 months and then I started to notice a bit of improvement. I still had some very bad days at that point. But I knew it was going to take time, because after all I have been popping pills for years. So what I decided was that if I was going to try this that I needed to stop the pill popping. So that's what I did.

It was very hard in the beginning to do. Because there were days where I just wanted to cry the pain was so bad. And as we know, constant pain 24/7 can wear you down so much physically and even more emotionally. You feel that you just can't cope. With the winters that we have here in Canada and the -20 degrees it wreaks havoc on your body. But as much as I wanted to take the painkiller on those days, I didn't. I knew if I wanted this to work, I could not give in to it.

It was about 3 months ago now that I noticed on your web page that the MSM Gold ® was used as an anti inflammatory in conjunction with the Pure MSM for pain. So, from that time on, I ordered it and combined the 2 of these products together twice a day.

John I cannot believe the difference that these two products have made in treating my chronic condition as well as in my life. It has absolutely made an incredible difference. When I had decided to try this I really did not have high expectations. Because lord knows, I have never had anything ever work for me before. There was always such disappointment. So I had come to the conclusion that there was nothing that was going to work and that I would just have to learn to live with it the best way I knew how.

Always being very active all my life and then having to give up a lot of the sports that I did was very hard for me. Because there was just too much pain that would not allow me to do what I enjoyed most.

These 2 products have given me new hope realizing that I will not have the constant pain every hour and every day as I was having. I now have good days where there is a minimal amount of pain and stiffness. And even on those cold and very damp days it is 60% better. And on my good days it is 90% better. Those are very big percentages for me, considering where I was at before trying MSM and MSM Gold ®.

So I now see the results of trying a different type of approach to managing an illness where there is chronic pain. I can now say goodbye to all those painkillers for good. And I know that each day using the MSM is going to get even better and there will come a time that I may be pain free. (Knock on wood)John if there are others out there that read this I would like them to know that when it comes to using alternative medicine, I was and always had been very skeptical about it for a very long time. Because there are people out there that practice alternative medicine, for example, Chinese Medicine. They say that they can cure or give you powders, teas and a lot of other things, but end up just taking your money and giving you empty promises and products that don't work.

But John I have to say that I'm no longer a skeptic. I have seen for myself just how well your products work. You are a man of your word. I am so very glad that I just happened to come by your web site. I have learned a lot from talking to you this last time.

You have helped me so much with regard to your products and the information that you also share. Your products have been a "God-send" for me. They have made such an impact on my daily life and I feel better and better each day. I am now getting back into physical activity. I can say at this time that I have so many good days, and that the good ones now out number the bad ones by far. I still have the odd little ache but nothing near what I used to have a few months ago.

I would like to say to the many people out there, if you go to the web pagewhich is: or, if you or anyone that you know is suffering from any chronic pain, for example arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease or Shulman's Disease, PLEASE give the MSM and MSM Gold ® products a try. You won't be sorry. I understand if you're leery about it. I was too.

But I assure anyone that reads this, if I didn't believe in John's products, I would not be writing this testimonial, I assure you.

I believe John is a very reliable, truthful, honest and a very trustworthy Doctor of Naturopathy, who really wants to help others find another approach to illnesses. In doing so we don't always have to be treated with a pill as traditional medicine has done and always will do.

These products are worth their weight in ***GOLD***. Give them a chance, and time as well. I live in Canada. Buying these products from California is worth every penny to me. MSM and MSM Gold ® is a "God-send" for me.

John, thank you again so much for what you do, as well as for the products that you make. We all now have a choice in trying a safer and even more importantly, a much healthier way to dealing with the health problems and chronic pain which affects a lot of us.
Thank you again,
-Missie Bonisch
Toronto Canada

I was recently diagnosed with Asthma. And as everyone knows that is a very hard disease to live with. My airway would get so inflamed that sometimes I would wake up choking, struggling to get air into my lungs. My medical Doctor put me on 2 inhalers, one with a really high dose of steroids to bring down the inflammation. I was afraid to be on steroids too long because of the long-term damage they can cause. So John suggested MSM Gold ® to help with the inflammation. I started taking it and after about 3 or 4 days my inflamed airway was substantially better and that made such a difference in my breathing. When I have really bad days I just take more of the MSM® Gold and it really helps. So I can go about my day. Thanks Dr. John for making a product that really works.
LaHabra , California

MSM Gold ® from Olympic Athletes Lina and Petia Yanchulova
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Natural Wellness Centers of America

John Taylor,

This is Lina and Petia Yanchulova and it is a pleasure for us to meet you (virtually for the moment). Dr. Culp gave us your email and we wanted to personally write you and tell you that we appreciate your kindness towards us.

Dr. Culp introduced us to MSM Gold ® and ever since we've been taking it, I (Lina), can say with certainty that I play with considerably less pain and am able to recover much faster than in the past.

Our sport is very demanding and in the past I was not able to make it through the tournament without painkillers but this summer it has been a different story. I believe that Dr. Culp's help with our nutrition has been a key and I am religiously taking my MSM Gold ®.

-Lina and Petia Yanchulova
San Diego, California

Natural Wellness Centers of America

Lina and Petia also use Ultra-Enzyme Support ® , and Balance and Burn ® in their training and competition!

I workout hard 3 to 4 times a week. My intense training calls for serious nutrition like NWC Naturals® Centers Balance and Burn®  and Total-Nutrition Program. I have tried a lot of different nutritional and muscle building supplements before and nothing else gives me the muscle building edge I need like the Total-Nutrition Program . Thanks Dr. Taylor.

- DeVante
Long Beach , California

Ultra-Pure MSM Capsules
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Back Pain

For more than three decades, hairdresser Liz Miners has been standing on her feet for many hours five days a week cutting, styling, coloring, straightening, and waving the hair of her clients and listening to their problems. Eventually she developed a serious problem of her own, back pain.

Miners, 55, owns and operates Lizanne's Hairdressing Salon in Burlington, Ontario, southwest of Toronto. Five years ago she had to start reducing her workday because of the increasing pain.

"Two doctors told me I had degenerative arthritis from all the years of standing and I definitely had the pain to prove it," she says.

Miners says that her pain required her often to sit down between clients, "ooing and awing a bit," as she put it, and having clients wait until she could resume work.

"At the end of a long day, the pain would really bother me", she recalls. "In the morning, after a night's rest, it would be better but after standing for an hour or so in the salon it would start to get bad again. Work was becoming very difficult and I couldn't sit comfortably in die car when I drove home."

" Miners tried an anti-inflammatory drug but quit after a few days when it gave her an upset stomach. Subsequently she went for regular physical therapy and chiropractic treatments that gave her some relief but not enough to more than take the edge off the pain. She still had to rest between clients to prevent the pain from becoming more severe.

In l996, Miners heard about MSM and started taking one or two teaspoons a day.

"It gave me relief that no treatment or doctor had been able to give me," she says. "The pain began melting away within days and there was substantial relief within a week or ten days. In a couple of months, the pain was 85 percent gone……. But I wouldn't want to be without the MSM."


Joyce Scott, of Arizona, was as good as dead for five years.

"I used to be the most active person you could imagine," she says. "I had raised five children, did aerobics, and made and sold dolls out of my home. One morning after I returned from a doll show, I couldn't get out of bed. I was beyond exhaustion. I could hardly move. It came out of nowhere."

What came out of nowhere is what doctors diagnosed as chronic fatigue and later as fibromyalgia.

"I started to hurt around the clock and after a while the pain would wake me up at night," she says. "It would migrate all over my body and be worse at one time in my knee or in my shoulder or left hip or lower back. I had constant headaches. It was as if my whole skeleton hurt from head to toe. Even my fingers hurt, some-times so bad that it took my breath away."

The sixty-two year old Scott says that her condition also affected her clarity of mind.

"I couldn't remember where the drinking glasses were in the house or how to drive to the bank and I have lived in the same place for more than twenty-five years. I stopped driving because of the mental confusion. If I had a good week friends would take me to play mahjong. Otherwise I was as good as dead for five years."

Scott took anti-depressants because she "didn't have a life any-more." But she says she couldn't take pain pills because they upset her stomach. During her ordeal, friends were constantly recommending different supplements for her to take, including MSM. "I am a very cautious person," she says. "I don't jump into everything. But I saw that a friend of mine with a candida problem had gotten relief-taking MSM so I decided to try some myself. That was July of 1998.1 didn't like the taste much, but things started to happen right away so I stuck with it."

Scott says she has had a rosacea condition and it started to clear up within days. Rosacea is a chronic red coloration affecting the skin of the nose, forehead, and cheeks. "That was the first thing," she continues.

"Then the energy started to kick in. During the second week I had one bad day but I felt I was getting better, and by the third week I had so much more energy. The pain started gradually going away, and after three weeks there was considerable relief. Now, a month and a half later, I am pain-free most of the time. That's why I call MSM my gift from God." "I have a pool that is thirty steps down from my house. I have been in that pool more in the month and a half since I started taking MSM than during the previous five years. I can go up and down the steps with ease and go up the hill now to get my mail. I couldn't do that before. I'm driving again, and I'm living again. Now I feel good enough so that I am about to re launch my doll business, which has been on hold for five years. Scott says she started with a half teaspoon of MSM crystals with water in the morning and evening and then slowly built up to three teaspoons twice a day. As a result of feeling better she has started to reduce the amount of the supplement she takes.

Knee pain

Robert Taylor of Southern California is 78 years old and had been having a lot of trouble and pain in his knees. He had already been to his doctor several times to have fluid drained off both knees. He had also been trying some different drugs to help him with the pain, to no avail. His wife Lois had been taking MSM capsules for a time and had experienced great results. Without telling her he decided to try the MSM himself, and started taking two 750 mg. capsules twice a day. He was skeptical, but after about a month and a half he admitted he had been taking Lois' MSM and "all the pain in his knees was gone." He is now increasing the dose to try to help his back pain!