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Our Tri-KRILL ™contains 12 mg. of astaxanthin. This is in recognition of the tremendous antioxidant
           value astaxanthin adds to both product stability and clinical outcomes.

           Can people take Krill Oil if they are allergic to shellfish?

           Absolutely not. Talk with your physician if you suspect you are allergic to shellfish or fish. Some krill
           oil blends also contain some fish oil as a carrier, and fish can end up in the krill biomass as a by-
           catch. So, if you are allergic to fish do not take this product.

           What is Choline and what health benefits do we get?

           Choline is found in krill phospholipids as part of the phosphatidylcholine molecule. Choline is not
           found in fish triglycerides. Choline has critical functions as a precursor to the neurotransmitter
           acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that is probably most well-known for its
           involvement in Alzheimer’s disease.
           If we have adequate levels of choline, we support the acetylcholine neurotransmitter system, which
           protects attention, focus, memory, and even muscle function. Choline is also one of the body’s most
           important methyl donors, contributing one-carbon units much like folic acid and vitamin B12.

            Is Choline Deficiency Widespread?

           The added benefit of choline in krill oil cannot be underestimated. In one recent study, 86.2% of
           female medical students and 90.0% of male medical students did not consume the recommended
           daily amount of choline.  These amounts have been set by the Institute of Medicine of the National
           Academy of Sciences at 425 to 550 mg/day. Krill oil phospholipids provide additional dietary choline,
           which contributes to the daily need.

           What studies have been done?

           Areas of Research

           A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition
           examined krill oil (300 mg daily) compared to a placebo and
           found that krill oil was effective at reducing arthritis symptoms
           and inflammation.

           Human clinical studies have demonstrated that Astaxanthins cardiovascular benefit to include: a
           significant decrease in blood serum triglyceride and increase in HDL-cholesterol levels with
           corresponding increase in serum adiponectin, independent of age and BMI; significant increase in
           ankle brachial pressure index and a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood
           pressure in healthy postmenopausal women; significantly increased peripheral capillary blood flow
           via human blood rheology; reduced lipid peroxidation in healthy non-smoking men, aged 19-33. In
           addition, pre-clinical animal studies support the human findings as well as establish mechanisms of

           Physical Endurance and Muscle Recovery
           Research has demonstrated the relationship between astaxanthin supplementation and improved
           muscle endurance and recovery. In support of this research several studies have suggested
           possible causal relationships. Two studies, one human and the other animal showed significantly
           lower serum lactate levels after exercise with use of astaxanthin. In another animal study
           astaxanthin was found to attenuate exercise-induced damage in skeletal and heart muscle,
           including inhibition of neutrophil infiltration into the tissues. This study also showed inhibition of
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