Page 3 - Belly Ease
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Lactase – lactase is produced in the small intestine and is required to break down lactose (a primary sugar
found in mammalian milk) into two simple sugars. It is mandatory in the digestion of milk and milk products.
People, who do not make any lactase, or enough lactase, are considered lactose intolerant.
Glucoamylase - is used to breakdown carbohydrates, specifically polysaccharides.
Invertase - this enzyme breaks down carbohydrates, especially sucrose.
Pro-Biotics are organisms and substances that help improve the environment of the intestinal tract. These
organisms produce acids (such as acetic acid and lactic acid) and other compounds, which inhibit the growth
of "bad" bacteria and promote “good” intestinal flora. Science supports that an important first line of defense
in immunity is intestinal flora. Ultra-Enzyme Support® PLUS™ chewable supplies three Billion CFU’s (in a
days’ supply) of the two most important stabilized strains of “live good guy” bacteria,
Lactobacillus Acidophilus DDS-1 and
Bifidobacterium Bifidum are specifically chosen
for their special benefits to the immune system and
digestive tract. Along with preventing infective
organisms from gaining a foothold in the GI tract,
these strains of bacteria also enhance the activity
of immune cells while improving digestion and
good bowel habits.
Bifidobacterium bifidum is a normal inhabitant of
the intestines. Found in large numbers, especially
in children and adolescents, the numbers of
bifidobacteria decrease with age. B. bifidum helps
detoxify the intestines and promote regular bowel
Lactobacillus Acidophilus DDS-1 This DDS-1
strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus is a unique,
highly-stable probiotic microorganism, which,
when produced according to Dr. Shahani’s Support for the whole family!
proprietary methods, has been shown through
research to display the following characteristics.
Unique DDS-1 Benefits:
Produces B-vitamins and folic acid
Prevents carcinogenesis
Selectively prevents the adhesion of
pathogenic coliform to the cell wall
Aids in the alleviation of “traveler's diarrhea”
and constipation
Inhibits stomach ulcer and cancer-causing
Heliobacter pylori
Relives dermatitis and other skin disorders
Shown to reduce serum cholesterol levels
Inhibits the growth of 23 toxic
Reduces lactose intolerance
Stimulates immune system