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Ingredient Overview of The NWC Naturals Proprietary Nutrient Blend

           The  Total-Nutrition  Program™  is  a  multi-vitamin  multi-
           mineral  enzyme  formula  designed  to  provide  complete
           nutrition for people of all ages.  This proprietary blend has
           been  created  using  the latest  scientific  research  and  using
           only whole food vitamin sources many of which are organic.
           It  does  not  contain  any  synthetic  or  isolated  crystalline
           vitamins or non-chelated minerals making it a truly natural and
           highly nutritional addition to anyone’s dietary program.

                 The proprietary nutrient blend contains over 30 non-GMO nutrients such as:

            Whole food Nutrient                        Nutrients provided
              Whole flax seed meal                       High in omega-3 fatty acids, 48% of its fat being omega-3's
              Rice bran                                  One of the richest sources of B vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants
              Chelated glutamine                         Aids in digestion, involved in muscle growth and repair
              Chelated Creatine                          Provides additional energy for your muscles and buffers lactic acid build-
              100% organic Amla fruit extract            Superior source of whole food vitamin C
              Carrot juice powder                        Beta-carotene, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals found in raw
              Orgen-B’s™                                 Is a blend of Certified Organic Guava and Lemon extracts with
                                                         holy basil
              Lecithin                                   Lecithin is a good fat that is required by every single cell in your body
              Vitamin B12                                Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin.
              Brewer’s yeast                             High in B complex vitamins especially B12, folate (needed for blood-cell
                                                         formation) potassium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, phosphorous,
                                                         thiamin and iron
              Ultra-Enzyme Support® blend                Insures complete digestion and delivery of all the nutrients in this product
                                                         on a cellular basis
              Spirulina                                  This micro algae is 60% all-vegetable protein, rich in beta-carotene, iron,
                                                         vitamin B-12 and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA (gamma-linolenic
              Peptidase (DPP-IV)                         Targeted at gluten digestion
              Chlorella                                  “Chlorella is also one of the highest sources of life-giving chlorophyll,
                                                         containing twenty times the amount of chlorophyll of alfalfa and nearly
                                                         ten times that of spirulina." - Herbs for health, December 2001
              Kelp blend                                 Living plant derived complete trace minerals, chromium, molybdenum,
                                                         selenium, iodine, boron and more. An incredible natural source of
              Rose hips extract                          Rose hips are a highly recognized source of whole food vitamin c, and
                                                         they contain vitamins E and K, and the B vitamins riboflavin and folate
              Inulin FOS                                 FOS offers pre-biotic properties for pro-biotic applications. FOS helps
                                                         increase the bioavailability of minerals, particularly calcium.
              NWC’s Custom Pro-biotic blend              Science supports that good bacteria such as acidophilus DDS-1 is an
                                                         important first line of defense in immunity is intestinal flora
              Bee pollen                                 Bee pollen is considered a highly nutritious and complete food and
                                                         contains a rich supply of B vitamins, vitamins C, A, E, carotenoids, folic
                                                         acid, amino acids, and a wide array of minerals and some essential fatty
              Yellow dock root powder                    Is useful for liver support and has a mild bowel cleansing effect
              Black strap molasses powder                Rich source of organically bound iron
              Shitake mushroom                           Fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, lentinan, strengthens the immune
                                                         system. Natural vegetable source of vitamin D
              Sarsaparilla root powder                   Sarsaparillas root may normalize inflammation, improve digestion and
              Blue green algae                           Beta carotene, thiamin B1, riboflavin B2, B6, an analogue to Cobalamine
                                                         B12, vitamin C, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin E, and
              Dunaliella Salina                          Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and lutein for
                                                         good eye health
              Vanadium                                   Vanadium is thought to play a role in metabolism of carbohydrates and
                                                         may have functions in cholesterol and blood lipid metabolism. for healthy
                                                         blood sugar levels vanadium supplements may have a positive effect in
                                                         supporting healthy blood glucose levels
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