The “Pain Relief Duo”

NEW! “Pain Relief Duo!” The ultimate pain fighting combo pack!

msm gold and tri krillMany of you are familiar with MSM Gold® for pain relief. It is a systemic enzyme and super antioxidant to help normalize inflammation and support muscle and joint pain. We recently released our newest product Tri-Krill™, a rich source of Astaxanthin and an immune system booster. Little did we know these two products together would soon become the complete package: our “Pain Relief Duo”.

Together they are the best duo for helping relieve occasional muscle pain and normalizing pain and inflammation.

Benefits of Tri-Krill™ and MSM Gold® when taken together:

msm gold and tri krill oilSupport healthy joints and muscles
msm gold and tri krill oilIncrease flexibility and mobility
msm gold and tri krill oilPromote healthy aging
msm gold and tri krill oilSupport brain function
msm gold and tri krill oilAllergy and digestive support
msm gold and tri krill oilSupports the body’s natural inflammation response

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