New research has surfaced showing that chia seeds can be very beneficial for dogs and cats. Here’s what you need to know about giving chia seeds to your pet:
Benefits of supplementing with chia seeds
The essential fatty acids (EFA’s) found in chia seeds not only give your pet a sleek coat and healthy skin, but at the right dosage, they can also help reduce inflammation and protect against cancer. They are an essential part of your pet’s diet because your pet cannot make EFA’s on their own.
Fact: Chia has 3 times the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids as salmon
Omega-3 is important to balance out Omega-6 fatty acids and promotes healthy:
- Cells
- Immune system
- Skin and coat
- Joints
- Brain development and maintenance
- Eye development and maintenance
- Growth
Why chia seeds are a great alternative
Chia seeds are picky-eater approved: they do not have a strong taste or scent. The dosage is quite potent, with only 1 teaspoon per day for small pets or 2 teaspoons per day for large pets, or 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight.
How to give your pet chia seeds
- Sprinkle seeds on top of dry food
- Mix seeds into wet food
- Soak the seeds in water for 10 minutes, strain, and serve as directed above
- Grind seeds into a powder and serve as directed above