Transfer-Tox™ Ingredients

Want more information about Transfer-Tox™? Following is a breakdown of the remaining 5 main Ingredients that make up this amazing product:

dandelion root to detoxDandelion Root:

The root of the dandelion is one of our most widely applicable, gentle tonics for liver function. Dandelion root is used to purify the liver and gallbladder of toxins. Dandelion is beneficial to the kidneys, pancreas, spleen, stomach and other organs. It can also purify the bloodstream and liver.

Phosphatidyl Choline:

Phosphatidyl Choline is used by the liver for emulsifying fats. Choline regulates the amount of fat that accumulates in the liver and emulsifies cholesterol. It will not actually digest the fats and clear them, that’s the job of the enzyme “lipase”, which is also in this formula. However, it does facilitate the breaking down and allowing fats to be transported to where the lipase can digest it.

black-radishBlack Radish (Raphanus Niger):

Works in conjunction with the liver in the body’s natural efforts to detoxify and is used to mobilize heavy metals. It is a mild diuretic, strong antioxidant, and a good natural source of Vitamin B and C, sulfur and fiber. The herb is also believed to be cleansing and antibacterial, and promotes the healthy secretion of bile.

apple and citrus pectinApple and Citrus Pectin:

These natural components of fruits and vegetables- activated by enzymes- grab heavy metals and toxins, encapsulating them and transporting them out of our body. Pectins bind cell walls in plant tissues and remove unwanted metals and toxins.


Like all of NWC’s products,  Transfer-Tox™ contains our exclusive L.E.A.D.S.® Live Enzyme Activated Delivery System®. It is NWC’s delivery system that guarantees assimilation and utilization of the nutrients at the cellular level.

 To read about the first 5 ingredients in Transfer-Tox™, click here.